AN-X-GENI, EtherNet/IP to GE Genius Gateway

EtherNet/IP to GE Genius Gateway


Discontinued: No new product for sale. More Info
Recommended replacements: AN-X3-GENI

The EtherNet/IP™ to GE Genius™ gateway allows an Allen-Bradley® Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) to control GE Genius I/O devices. This gateway allows a phased migration approach to be used when upgrading or replacing GE Genius based 90-30™ and 90-70™controllers. The gateway provides automatic creation of the Genius scan list and generates the associated RSLogix™ 5000 tags reducing engineering effort. Monitor mode allows verification of your conversion logic using live I/O data without impacting the running legacy system. Once the new PAC is commissioned the legacy I/O can be upgraded one module or one rack at a time as scheduled downtime is available. This gateway minimizes the risk of excessive downtime when upgrading legacy control systems.


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