Analog signals have been used for decades in daily devices, from radio and television broadcasting to traditional telephone lines. On the industrial side, HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) analog still has an important place in a digitally dominated world, for applications needing to expedite data retrieval from field devices. The ProLinx EtherNet/IP to HART Analog gateway (5208-DFNT-HART) provides this type of extremely fast communication from a host operating on an EtherNet/IP network (such as a PC) to HART field devices.
HART-enabled devices provide two simultaneous communication channels transmitted via a single pair of wires. This technological approach offers the fastest possible data transfer of a single Primary Control Variable over the analog channel. It is backward-compatible with most existing analog I/O systems, and faster than any other field communications protocol, with almost instantaneous response time from the 4-20mA analog signal, depending upon the signal dampening built into the system.
For applications such as oil, gas and petrochemical where speed is a requirement from HART instruments, the EtherNet/IP to HART Analog gateway is ideal. The gateway allows the primary variable to be monitored, such as flow, in addition to tertiary data such as temperature, software updates, and general device status. The gateway is ideal for remote applications because it is equipped with a Power-Supply-Unit (PSU) that allows it to be connected directly in the field, reducing cable run and the associated costs. Additionally, if the application has the gateway connected to a controller monitored from a local site office, a user may pull data from the gateway to view, control, and run diagnostics over Ethernet from a PC.
The gateway is available in either 4 or 8 channel HART, and each channel operating independently, or one-to-one with a specific device, thus ensuring the fastest possible update times from HART field devices as opposed to methods which scan the HART channels. Additionally, field device status data such as temperature, pressure and multi-variable units are traditionally transferred using digital HART, but the 5208-DFNT-HART gateway is able to pull this data via HART Analog. This combination creates greater flexibility for applications and allows quick data refresh.
The EtherNet/IP to HART Analog ProLinx Gateway comes with a one year warrantee.