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Technical Support

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Does ProSoft offer any regularly-scheduled training classes for any of its communications solutions?

At this time, Prosoft does not offer any regularly-scheduled training classes. ...

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Does ProSoft have local technical support?

ProSoft has technical support offices throughout the globe. North AmericaLanguages spoken: English, Spanish Europe / Middle East / AfricaLanguages spoken: French, English +

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Besides phone support, what other support options does ProSoft Technology offer?

We currently have an extensive online Knowledgebase, this list of FAQs, an online Bulletin Board, online Chat, and training documents. You can find all these at

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If I send Ladder Logic into Technical Support can they modify the ladder logic and send it back?

Unfortunately, due to liability, we are not able to edit processor programs or ProSoft Configuration Builder files.  We are happy to give advice, and/or make recommendations, to provide assistance in making your application a success....

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What is the Web URL for the ProSoft FTP Site?

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Can ProSoft Ethernet modules and gateways communicate with equipment on different subnets?

Yes, but as with any Ethernet equipment, the netmask and gateway settings used in our configuration must be correct for your network, and the routers and/or switches at the site must also be configured correctly.Examples of switch and router configuration would include allowing b...

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