port on the processor. Additional information can be found on the products web page: http://www.prosoft-technology.com/Products/Gateways/DF1-Serial-Port-Expander-Gateway/DF1-Serial-Port-Expander-Gateway ... DF1, multiplexor, serial port expander, multi-plexor ... I need to connect multiple DF1 devices to a single serial port on an SLC or MicroLogix processor, is there a solution?
Erfahren Sie mehrAll ProLinx modules with DFCM driver have no menu display on hyperterminal when pressing '?' key. Cannot access debug port. The DF1 pass-through port parameter is set to yes in the configuration ... Accessing the Debug Menu on a DFCM (DF1) Prolinx module
Erfahren Sie mehrHow can I connect more than one DF1 device to an Allen-Bradley processor's channel 0 port. You will need to use the serial port on a SLC505 to talk to 3 devices. Two of them are MicroLogix over
Erfahren Sie mehrThe latest AppSrvCE platform, v1.23, includes ELO USB and serialtouch screen drivers. COM1 is allocated by the touch screen serialdriver, whether or not a serial touch screen is actually present ... Why is COM port 1 not available on the AppSrvCE unit?
Erfahren Sie mehrThe PDPMV1 operating state is stored in the MVIxxPDPMV1.Status.Fieldbus.FB_op_state tag: 00 = Offline 40 = Stop 80 = Clear C0 = Operate To determine slave status, the MVIxxPDPMV1.Status ... How can I monitor module and slave status with the MVI56-PDPV1 and other PDPMV1 PROFIBUS master modules?
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