. For 2000 words of readdata we will need this to be between 1 and 10.The module pages data in blocks of 200 words. The first block has a block index of 1, and contains the first 200 words of data from
Erfahren Sie mehrproduct web page for your specific module or contact ProSoft Technical Support for assistance.
Erfahren Sie mehrAll User Manuals for Prosoft Technology products can be found on the product pages of our website, or on the CD supplied with the product. <="" user="" mvi46-mcm="" a=""> Related Keywords
Erfahren Sie mehrVerify the cable matches the diagram on page 50 of the user manual. If pins 7 and 8 are not jumpered, and there is communications on pins 1 or 9, your backplane transfers will fail. The error status
Erfahren Sie mehron that module's product page. Please review the specifications for your CompactLogix system to determine whether it will provide sufficient power for all modules intended for your application including
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