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How do I change the name and address of the Site Operator in my Opacts/TermLinx application?

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How do I change the name and address of the site operator in my Opacts / Termlinx application?

(1) Run the database manager (not the wizard), connecting to the database
and selecting the active site as usual.

(2) Menu
(3) In the window that opens, click "find".
(4) In the list to the left, click (highlight) the entry that represents your site

(5) In the panel to the right, note the code displayed against "name and address (site operator)".
(6) Menu
 (7) In the window that opens, click "find". (8) In the list to the left, locate the code that you noted in step (5), and click (highlight) it. (9) In the "part 2" tab of the panel to the right, verify that the second check box, against "site operator", is non-blank; this confirms that you have selected the correct entry in the NADR table. (10) In the "part 1" tab, make desired changes to all items *except* "name and address code". (11) When your changes are complete, click "update"; the box at the bottom should confirm that the database has been updated.
(12) Close all DBM windows and exit the application.