Knowledge Base / Gateways

AN-X / AN-X2

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How to figure out what the IP Address of an AN-X2 gateway is?

There are 2 ways to determine the current IP Address of an AN-X2 gateway. If AnxInit is installed on the PC, then AN-X2 modules will respond to the locate all query that can be found under the Utilities menu. (Note: AnxInit is not able to configure the IP Address of an AN-X2 ga...

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What does the mSD card do on the AN-X2 platform?

The purpose of the mSD card is to facilitate the swapping out of a failed AN-X2 gateway with a new AN-X2 gateway without the need for configuring the new gateway.The mSD card is used to store configuration files and the firmware files for the gateway.  For the gateway to fun...

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What is the default IP Address of an AN-X2 gateway?

The default IP Address is

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Where can I get firmware for ProSoft products?

Firmware upgrades for Industrial Radios or AN-X(2) gateways can be found by navigating to the appropriate product on the following web page: firmware upgrades on all other products please contact your regional Techni...

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