Knowledge Base / Protocols / EtherNet/IP

Can the ProSoft/ProLinx Ethernet I/P products (DFNT driver, exp MVI46-DFNT, 5201-DFNT-MCM, PTQ-DFNT, etc…) communicate with any EtherNet I/P device?

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The implementation of the DFNT product line can talk to many EtherNet I/P devices, but by no means all of them. The module when used as a Client (master) can only issue PCCC commands to the Server (slave) device. A PCCC message always uses a file address like N10:0, F15:2, etc This type of addressing is not used on Control Logix, Compact Logix, or Flex Logix processors, but using the Map PLC/SLC messages option within RSLogix 5000 will allow you to configure a logical tag name (like Pump1Flow) to a file number like file 10. Depending on the data type of the tag Pump1Flow, this will either need to be used as an N10 address (if INT or DINT is used) or an F10 address (if REAL is used).

The module as an EtherNet I/P server can support the same PCCC messages, using addresses like N10:0, F10:0, B10:0, etc As well the module as a server (slave) can support CIP Data Table Read and CIP Data Table Write commands from a Client device. When using the CIP Data Table Read/Write commands to the module, addresses like Int_Data[0], DINTData[0], REALData[0], will be used to poll information from the module, or write information to the module.