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Can the ProSoft DNPSNET solutions support multiple masters (clients)?

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The DNPSNET, as a DNP 3.0 Ethernet server can communicate to many clients, but there are some limitations.

First of all, the DNPSNET has 1 TCP/IP (connected) socket. This TCP/IP socket is the only socket that will allow for unsolicited messages for the passing of event data.

The module also has support for UDP communications. Since these are unconnected sockets, you can have as many UDP clients poll information from the DNPSNET as you wish. This can also be limited by using the IP list. The IP list will check the IP address of the client, and if you have this option enabled in the DNPSNET, we will check to make sure the IP address of the client is in the IP list of the module. within this IP list you may define up to 10 IP addresses.

Using multiple masters with the DNPSNET requires planning. The DNPSNET can generate event data (class 2 and 3) based on a change of data within the processor.

Should this module used in a redundant master (client) application, it is recommended to configure the master connected via TCP handle ALL event messages (either polled based on the IIN bit, or unsolicited messages that are sent out by our DNPSNET server), and also static data if required.  Then configure the master(s) which use UDP to issue poll ONLY for static data.  This avoids the issue where each master would a portion of the event data, but neither of them would see all of the events.