Connect PC to module's debug / configuration port using a null-modem cable Start Hyperterminal, Putty or other comm program and use the following settings: bits per second: 57,600 data bits: 8 parity: none stop bits: 1 flow control: Xon/Xoff Once connected, press &quo...
Erfahren Sie mehrThe MVI69-MCM module supports the Modbus protocol for standard serial connections (RS-232, RS-422, RS485) the MVI69-MNET module supports Modbus - TCP/IP. That is, Modbus embedded in the TCP/IP protocol over an EtherNet network....
Erfahren Sie mehrThere are many things that may prevent a MVI69 module from working properly. Here is a list of the most commonly overlooked items that can prevent it from working as expected:1. The Prosoft provided sample ladder logic OR Add-On Instruction (not both) must be loaded i...
Erfahren Sie mehrThe requirements for Prosoft's CompactLogix InRAx modules are: * 1769 I/O bus * 450-800ma @5v from the bus, depending on the MVI module* Placement within 2-4 slots of a CompactLogix power supply, depending on the MVI moduleThe power and Distance Rating (proximity to power supply)...
Erfahren Sie mehrA firmware anomaly has been identified in version 17 for the CompactLogix 1768-L43 and L45 processor that will not work properly when using any Prosoft MVI69 or PS69 communication modules.FRN 18 will correct the issue. Work around's are: Use earlier FRN (16 or earlier) orCle...
Erfahren Sie mehrIf the controller is an LRP with serial ports and has firmware version 6.0 or greater, then yes, the MVI69 is compatible with the system.Related Keywords:MVI69 CompactLogix MicroLogix...
Erfahren Sie mehrI/O mismatch the first versions of our MVI69-XXX sample for MicroLogix processors had the wrong vendor ID code defined under the I/O configuration.Within the RSLogix 500 program change the vendor ID code from 22 to the correct vendor ID code of 309. This will correct the issue wi...
Erfahren Sie mehrProSoft MVI69 solutions require a minimum of 800mA of 5vdc current be available from the backplane of any CompactLogix system in which they are installed.Within the 1769-L23x processor family, our MVI69-xxx modules will work with some but not all of the family of the proces...
Erfahren Sie mehrThe type mismatch error is always shown since the ProSoft In-Chassis modules do not support the additional functionality required to respond to this inquiry from the processor. This field does not reflect the status of the ProSoft In-Chassis module, and does not have any im...
Erfahren Sie mehrWhen using our MVI69-xxx modules with a MicroLogix 1500 processor, the COP instruction is not valid. The instruction that should be used instead is the CPW instruction....
Erfahren Sie mehrQ: I've read where it states that the battery is backup power for the CMOS. Is this where all the PCB configuration is stored or do the modules have ROM memory for the PCB configuration?A: With all the MVI46, 56 and 71 modules, configuration is either stored in CF, o...
Erfahren Sie mehrThe following document outlines the ProSoft implementation of the IEC-60870-5-104 Server communication module as pertains to all -104S products. ...
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